Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 46: John Kenney – Finding Your Dream Through Dueling Pianos



John Kenney is no stranger to hard work. In fact, the journey to finding his purpose was filled with many late nights, long days, and hard work. John’s passion for music came at a young age, when he was drawn to the fiddle. He grew up listening to John Denver and other country stars, which attracted John to the fiddle/violin. There was only one problem. It was very expensive to play the violin. After discovering the high cost, John was disappointed and gave up on music entirely until high school. That’s when John would discover his true passion: the piano. TWEET: Finding your #dream through #dueling #pianos, on this episode of Chasing Dreams A passion for the piano.John’s attraction to the piano was motivated by something that wasn’t uncommon for a 16-year-old boy: girls. He decided to learn to play the piano to attract girls. With such a non-musical motivation, John didn’t expect to truly love the piano. But, that’s just what happened. John was passionate about the piano and found himself practicing during a