Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 60: Erik Newton – Being the Happiest You’ve Ever Been After Climbing Back from Rock Bottom Twice



As a former family law attorney, Erik describes himself as someone who’s “been through a thousand divorces and still believes in love.” Ushering couples through divorce wasn’t easy for Erik, a romantic from birth, but it turned out to be the ideal medium through which to understand the entire life cycle of a relationship. As a result, Erik has a unique, real-world comprehension of what makes one marriage thrive and another fall apart. Ultimately, his calling to help couples build healthy relationships superseded his legal career, and he decided to dedicate himself full-time to creating a place couples could go for information, inspiration, and a big dose of truth. That’s when Together was born. TWEET: Erik Newton - Being the Happiest You’ve Ever Been After Climbing Back from Rock Bottom Twice He didn’t want to be a lawyer even though he went to law school.It’s interesting to hear how Erik Newton got started in law school. Honestly, it seemed like a cool thing to do, something prestigious that he tho