Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 73: Aimee J. – 2016 Review and Top 5 Recommendations From Guests



Today’s episode is a special one and a very different one than normal. I’m going solo today as I reflect back on 2016 and look ahead to 2017. The beginning of a new year is always a terrific time for this kind of evaluation. From all of the wonderful recommendations from my guests, I’ve compiled Five Top Recommendations to Help You in 2017. These FIVE simple tips can help you as you continue to chase your dreams in this New Year. Aren’t you curious? Join me now! TWEET: #2017—New start, new beginnings, and new #dreams to chase! @chasingdreamsHQ Looking back to 2016 How was 2016 for YOU? As with most any year, we can find some good things and some bad things that happened. It’s the same, of course, for me. I’m humbled to have hit 73 episodes for the podcast, 50 guests, and over 20,000 downloads! Amazing! I have to say thanks to my listeners and my guests because you are the ones to make all of this possible. So many of my guests are friends, colleagues, and “dream guests” that I never t