Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 83: Cheryl Tan – Listen to Your Gut and Be Willing to Pivot



Cheryl Tan knows the power of stories in connecting people. She’s been a broadcast journalist in GA and VA, with 20+ years in the TV news business. After blending her talents with her entrepreneurial drive, she now shares interviewing and storytelling skills with business owners who want to use video or media to tell the stories of their companies. Cheryl knows how to help entrepreneurs be seen as experts in their fields and helps them connect with clients and customers through video and public relations.  TWEET: “Learn to share your story while you build your #Authority!” @CherylTan Life’s Changing Journey We all know that we don’t always end up doing what we “think” we will. There is value in being willing to change your path and find your voice. This is what Cheryl had to do to end up in the field of broadcast journalism. She shares how she learned from others and learned about connecting with people through stories. The key elements are listening and being curious. Even though her path didn’t lead wh