Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 86: Joe Wilner – You Have a Calling



Joe Wilner is a life coach, licensed clinical psychotherapist, and drummer from the band Yes You Are. He’s created the You Have a Calling initiative, which includes a blog and an online community helping people discover and pursue their life’s work and mission. Through deep and personalized coaching, he helps ambitious, creative, and spiritually-minded individuals make a greater impact, grow as leaders, and design a soulful life of inspiration. He’s here to share his dream chase journey! TWEET: “Find out what your #calling is! @JRWilner shares his calling in today’s show!” The path that sometimes leads to “Now what?” Have you felt that “stuck” feeling? You’ve worked hard to establish yourself in a position, like Joe did in his private practice, but “Now what?” Is this ALL there is? Joe knows what it’s like to find success but wonder, “Where am I headed and who do I want to become in this life?” Many times, there is MUCH MORE out there. Joe explains how to branch out, while committing and embracing a new