Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 87: Raj Stewart – Rule in, Rule out



Raj Stewart is an academic researcher turned healthcare consultant. He’s passionate about bringing an evidence-based, patient-centered perspective to practical healthcare issues. He works on a wide variety of projects and helps with coaching and training for companies that interact with government agencies and private medical insurers. Reading scientific literature and policy takes much of his time, but he manages to find time for travel, DJ gigs, record collecting, soccer, and family. He’s been my friend for over 15 years, and I’m excited to have him on the show! TWEET: “Raj Stewart shares how to follow your #dream while enjoying the #journey.” Why college? What do you think? Is college necessary? Many people think it’s just a waste of time. Raj was raised to know the value of education. College was encouraged in his family as the next step of evolution in the development of a young adult. College gives opportunity to expand horizons and interact with all kinds of people. You learn how to think and have expo