Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 92: Rebecca Kay Thompson – When the Universe Speaks to You, Listen



My guest is Rebecca Kay Thompson of RKT Wellness Solutions. She’s a lifestyle and wellness coach who brings a holistic approach to solving a broad spectrum of challenges, from health and wellness to relationship coaching, personal finance, and home/office organization. Her honest and practical coaching style helps her clients become proactive in maintaining a fulfilling life of whole wellness. Rebecca emphasizes the simple question, “What does wellness mean to YOU?” This allows her clients to look at the big picture, break down shortfalls, and then focus on improvement. Rebecca has a bachelor’s degree in Leadership Development from Villanova University, where she graduated with many accolades in her 40’s! After conquering her personal battle to achieve wellness, Rebecca has recently added nutrition coaching to her 20-year repertoire. TWEET: “Ep 92 is all about #wellness and how to make it a way of life!” #RebeccaKayThompson “The Wellness Factor” Are you experiencing wellness? Of course, this can mean differen