Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 101: Lauren Puryear – Fighting Hunger Through Extreme Couponing



Lauren Puryear is a 29-year old mental health clinician and proud mother of Isaiah. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Virginia Union University, two Master’s degrees, AND a PhD in Psychology. Lauren prides herself in giving back to her community. She is an activist, philanthropist, and an advocate for social issues across the world. Being raised in Paterson, NJ has taught Lauren the importance of giving back to her community. She started a charity organization, For the Love of Others, LLC, that helps those in need, and it’s all in honor of her grandmother, Marion Elizabeth Smith. After beating cancer twice, Lauren’s resilience and strength has been incredible! Her goal is to share her story with the world in hopes to not only raise awareness, but also to inspire! TWEET: “Focusing on the #dreams that really matter and making the world a better place on Ep 101” @FTLOO_inc Chasing the Dream: When you first had your dream, did you know exactly how you would accomplish it? Most people don’t have it all figured ou