Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 170: Alex Barker – A 3 Year Later Check-in



We all know that dreams can change over time, as we gain clarity and wisdom with the experience that comes from successes and failures. My guest today readily admits that he had the wrong perspective just a few years ago, and it was only when he changed his approach that things fell into place. Join us to see how he found the right path to his most important dreams. Alex Barker is no stranger to this podcast. He appeared way back in Episode 12, in 2015. Go back and take a listen if you haven’t heard our first conversation. Today, Alex has changed a lot of things in his life in chasing his dreams. He’s sharing with us how far he’s come, how the dream has changed, and how his chase has become different from the mishmash of distraction that it used to be. What Alex has learned Have you felt distracted and torn between the things you want to accomplish? Alex did a 66-day experiment and learned a lot about himself and his dreams. One lesson he learned was that he only has a certain amount of time each week to put