Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 203: Thalia Toha – Surefire ways you can REACH any goals without fear, even if you don’t have time for it.



Brand is everything! Whether in your personal brand or your business brand, defining yourself to your audience is vital. You have to clarify who you are and how you want to be viewed, along with identifying your strengths and weaknesses. We are diving deep in today’s show in learning why your brand is a reflection of you. Thalia Toha is a brand and business strategist for busy entrepreneurs looking to more strategically manage their business and grow their brand. Thalia is currently launching her website, where she shares practical techniques for entrepreneurs looking to get their brand strategically positioned without selling their souls to the expectations of social media. Unlike most brand experts, Thalia does not believe that social media is the be-all and end-all. In her free time, she loves exploring new food trends. Becoming a brand expert What are the brands that stand out in your mind? We can all think of certain brands that have a catchy logo, well-known tagline, or an unforgettable spokesperson. Th