Joyfull - A Raw Journal Of The Mindful Revolution

Ep 47 Confederate Statues, The Mindful Revolution and Symbolic Change in Richmond



Little update! What's taking place in the mindful revolution here in this southern town which I've called home since Los Angeles kicked me out? Over the past year, Richmond has removed at least a dozen monuments of confederate leaders - which have stood since the 1800s - including the towering statue of army general Robert Lee on a horse at a major intersection.  The images - of thousands of locals criss-cross applesauce, engrossing the feature for days until the mayor inventively eighty-sixed it to zero spectacle -  are messy and moving.  Several more statues remain.  It is staggering, but optimistically so - because the method, pacing, and rote approach to getting them gone has not thus far been a riot, but a knowing cooperation, with hormone-fueled youth zeal as a minor, obligatory detail, but nowhere near the sincere quickening - steady, and certain - of this current.   They've stood for a century, so the abrupt unanimous understanding of their absurdity can be an engine to assist, rather than to compe