Spine & Sprocket

Episode 31: Soylent Green, Make Room! Make Room!



Some science fiction books make an accurate prediction of the future, but not a whole lot of them. Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison misses the mark as far as 2019 goes. However, the predictions of climate change may make some of the food shortages depicted in the book come true.  It is a classic story of the dangers of overpopulation and the limited resources of the planet earth, you know, earth, the one we're on. The film version of the book is, of course, the classic dystopian vision of the future, with food shortages and over crowded cities, Soylent Green.  The book and the film are quite different (wait for the big reveal at the end of this show).   We hope you enjoy the discussion and digressions!   Music kindly provided by Erdenstern.  Readings by Us and Aaron Kleinschmidt