At Home Behind The Sun

Greenlight Review/Talk with DJ



I sit down with my friend DJ and we discuss the book, Green Light by Matthew McConaughey.   Both enjoyed it and in this podcast we talk about some of the key takeaways, as well as how much of the book is relatable to everyone.  Audio isn't as clear as I'd like, a little bit of background noise from the bar, but still came out ok.   We decided we're going to commit a book, then meet up monthly to talk it out.   As you will figure out in this episode, plus the episode we did last year, we like going a little deep on topics and almost trying to "rewire," them to see how many different ways an idea can be put together and still work - all with the intent of shining light on how relatable so many things are that we're going through, or already went through, similar phases and stages.   Maybe even a young person stumbles upon the link and gives it a listen, then they check the book out, get some inspiration to get after that dream and away they go.  Green Light.Maybe it's someone