Heart Of The Matter

1.3.19:Congressman Ken Buck-Foundations for Evidenced Based Policy Making Act



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson and Molly Vogt are your hosts. Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Congressman Ken Buck took a stand and voted against a bill that would allow the government to access more information and data on Americans and then act, based on that data, to further intervene and involve itself in our individual lives. Congressman Buck joins Kim in discussion of this very important issue. We thank you for taking a stand Congressman Buck! ________________________________________________ Copyright 2019: The Americhicks W/Kim and Molly Visit us at www.americhicks.com To have someone contact you about advertising on the radio program, the podcast, or the Americhicks website visit:www.americhicks.com/contact and fill out the form. Or, of course, email your Americhicks: molly@americhicks.com & kim@americhicks.com The Americhicks airs on KLZ 560 AM every Monday thru Friday, 6-7 AM MST. You can listen to the live stream by going to www.560thesource.com Did you know you