Heart Of The Matter

1.8.19:Factually Correct or Morally Right-Colorado Legislature- Corsi on the Muller Investigation



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson and Molly Vogt are your hosts. Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Nothing is more pressing, today, than to remind United States citizens how to think like Constitutionalists, how to think like free human beings. Towards furthering that kind of thinking your Americhicks, Speakeasy Ideas and Waters Edge Winery have put together a program called "Vino & Veritas". Vino & Veritas is a once monthly, year long study of the Federalist Papers. Go to americhicks.com to find out more. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with people like Bernie Sanders, have caused Socialism to become a real issue in America. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was recently a guest on 60 Minuets and stated that people (read: American citizens) worry too much about if she is "factually correct" on the various issues. Kim is joined by Amy Oliver Cooke. Amy is the Executive Vice President and Director of the Energy and Environmental Policy Center for the Independence Institute (i2i.org). Amy a