Heart Of The Matter

1.14.19:Good Golly Miss Molly-Sex Education In Colorado-Election Integrity



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host. Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Some sad news for Americhicks listeners. Long time and original Americhicks host Molly Vogt is steeping away from the Americhicks. Molly will be focusing her time on her land management business, GAEA Land Management Services. You can find GAEA Land Management Services at gaeaenergyadvisors.com and on Facebook at facebook.com/gaeaenergyadvisors We of course wish Molly the best and hope to hear from her on the Americhicks program from time to time. For the time being Kim will host the program solo. Those government employees who are impacted by the government shut down and having to tighten their belts for the moment. They will of course receive back pay once the shut down has ended. Of course we understand that this government shut down is a burden for many government employees. We also recognize that until President Trump, few politicians have been serious about dealing with illegal immigration an