Heart Of The Matter

1.15.19:Simon Lomax - CO Supreme Court Ruling on Oil & Natural Gas



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host. Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Kim and Steven are joined by Simon Lomax from Vital for Colorado (vitalforcolorado.com). The Colorado State Supreme Court ruled Monday on the Martinez v. Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Anti oil and gas activists had been trying to force state regulators to deny permits for any wells that could contribute to climate change. The Colorado State Supreme Court ruled against the Martinez group, ruling that regulators can bother protect public health and the environment at the same time and don't have to choose one or the other. ________________________________________________ Copyright 2019: The Americhicks W/Kim Monson Visit us at www.americhicks.com To have someone contact you about advertising on the radio program, the podcast, or the Americhicks website visit:www.americhicks.com/contact and fill out the form. Or, of course, email Kim: kim@americhicks.com The Americhicks airs on KLZ 560