Heart Of The Matter

1.15.19:Dr. Gerard Lameiro - The Wall & A National Emergency



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host. Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Kim is also joined by Gerard Lameiro (greatnewsforamerica.com). In a recent article Dr. Lamerio looked at the if the Trump and House border wall funding impasse will cause President Trump to declare a national emergency soon. Dr. Lamerio and Kim address that question on todays program. Dr. Gerard Lameiro also happens to be a very optimistic individual when it comes to America. He explains why. ________________________________________________ Copyright 2019: The Americhicks W/Kim Monson Visit us at www.americhicks.com To have someone contact you about advertising on the radio program, the podcast, or the Americhicks website visit:www.americhicks.com/contact and fill out the form. Or, of course, email Kim: kim@americhicks.com The Americhicks airs on KLZ 560 AM every Monday thru Friday, 6-7 AM MST. You can listen to the live stream by going to www.560thesource.com Did you know you can get the Americhi