Heart Of The Matter

1.18.19:Nancy Has Been Grounded-Insane Emission Standards-The Women's March



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host. Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Since the shut down began, Speaker Pelosi has been to both Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Perhaps staying in D.C. and working to end the shut down would have been the better choice. Her travel plans did not stop with Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Nancy Pelosi also had a trip to the Middle East planned for which she was to leave on Friday. President Trump has grounded Speaker Pelosi and denied her access to military transportation for her trip. He noted that the shut down was what motivated him and that it would be better were she to remain in Washington D.C. allowing he and her to negotiate and try to end the shut down. President Trump also made mention that she [Pelosi] should of course feel free to fly commercially. If I like my car, can I keep my car? We'll ask Tim Jackson CEO and President of the Colorado Automobile Dealer's Association (www.colorado.auto). Tim Jackson, understands that mobility is free