Heart Of The Matter

8.30.19:How Much Money Does Government Take From You-Sex Ed Refusal-Vaccination And Data Collection



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host - Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! The subtle, but heavy hand of force. Maybe you don't feel that force directly, but if you look at taxes, mandates, regulations, et cetera, the force is there and is undeniable. Do you really know how much you pay in taxes and fees through a typical year? Odds are most people do not. Colorado's Lewis Palmer School district will refuse to follow Colorado's new sex education law. Will other school districts follow this lead or will the state come down with a heavy hand on the Lewis Palmer School district? A troubling conversation with Heather Lahdenpera and Cindy Loveland. This isn’t about childhood vaccinations, this is about the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) (unelected bureaucrats) collecting data on kids and families. I totally appreciate the benefits of vaccinating our kids against childhood diseases, however, CDPHE is stepping way over the line on this data collect