Heart Of The Matter

9.5.19:Office of Future Work-RTD Building an Empire-A Former Canadian's View of Socialism



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host - Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! A clarification related to the response from the Mayor of Chicago which she directed to Senator Ted Cruz. Governor Polis likes his executive orders. He has issued yet another which establishes an 'Office of Future Work'. Bronco's stadium has an official name again. Tom Goodfellow joins Kim to talk about U.S. Constitution Week and the celebration in Grand Lake, Colorado. You can find out more about the 8th Annual U.S. Constitution Week in Grand Lake by going to their website (grandlakeusconstitutionweek.com). RTD's ridership numbers are down 5% since 2015. Despite this fact their budget has increased some 44% during the same time period. Is the socialized Canadian healthcare system really superior to the U.S.? We’ll ask Phil Coutu, fellow KLZ Radio Host. Phil grew up in Canada and knows first hand that nothing is free. Taxes are high on goods and services. Canada is charging user fees to see