Heart Of The Matter

9.10.19:Trump Wasn't Right But He Wasn't Wrong-Actor Kevin Sorbo-CEO's, Trump & Tariffs



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host - Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Jason McBride, Presidential Wealth Management (presidentialwm.com/americhicks) is in studio with Kim today. Jason and Kim spend a moment remembering their first return visits to NYC following 9.11 "Sharpie-Gate", despite the relentless mocking it turns out that President Trump wasn't right, but he also was not wrong. The fact is that the progressive left will attack president Trump for any reason at any time on any issue. Kim and Jason are joined by actor Kevin Sorbo (kevinsorbo.net). Kevin Sorbo will be the keynote speaker on September 21st at Grand Lakes US Constitution Week (grandlakeusconstitutionweek.com). Kevin gives us a bit of a preview on what he will be talking about in his speech. You have a chance to win VIP tickets to the US Constitution Week September 21st events. Just go to the Americhicks website and fillout the form (americhicks.com/u-s-constitution-week-ticket-giveaway) Tariffs