Heart Of The Matter

9.20.19:How Are We Using Our Free Time-ICE Protests-Taxation & Wealth



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host - Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! In studio with Kim today is Rick Turnquist. Later in the program Kim and Rick will dissect how force and control prevent individual freedom and prosperity. Join Kim and actor Kevin Sorbo this weekend for the wrap up to Constitution Week in Grand Lake, Colorado. Find out more by going to the Constitution Week website (usconstitutionweek.org). Services like Amazon actually help us free up time in our day. Producer Steve wonders how are we taking advantage of that free time? On the Freedom Index, America is not among the top ten nations. Aurora Councilwoman Francoise Bergan (francoiseforaurora.com) addresses the recent ICE demonstrations. The demonstration yesterday evening took place not at the Aurora ICE facility but in a residential neighborhood. Do you like freedom or do you prefer force and control? Today, author, Rick Turnquist, joins Kim. They will talk about his recent blog, Taxation and W