Heart Of The Matter

9.23.19:The Danger in Bipartisanship-Woke History-Reviewing the Trump Rollback of Regulations



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host - Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Kim is freshly returned from the Constitution Week celebrations in Grand Lake, Colorado. "Bipartisanship" sounds lovely, but it can often be very dangerous - it can be deadly to freedom. Woke History Is Making Big Inroads in America's High Schools (tinyurl.com/y2s4a23k). Elizabeth Warren abusing the history of Rosie the Riveter. Everyone has an opinion about President Trump’s Tweets. Some folks love them. Some folks hate them. And some folks don’t care. What we should care about is Donald Trump’s policies. In the din of media noise, we seldom hear politicians, pundits or professors actually talk about policy. Entrepreneur, and owner of the historic 88 Drive-In Theatre, Susan Kochevar, joins Kim. Susan will share what she sees with Trump’s roll-back of regulations. Positive or negative? You can read Susan's related op-ed on the Americhicks website (tinyurl.com/y5vstykj). ________________