Heart Of The Matter

9.24.19:A Continuing Look at the Federalist Papers with Ben Martin



Welcome to the Americhicks podcast. Kim Monson is your host - Agree or disagree, let's have a conversation! Balancing power typically lends good results. That is why the old white guys who deliberated and wrote the U.S. Constitution thought it was a really, really good idea to separate government powers. Today Patriotic Historian and former Army Ranger, Ben Martin and Kim continue with their conversation about The Federalist Papers. They will dissect what the U.S. Constitution has to say about the legislative branch. You need to know this! ________________________________________________ Copyright 2019: The Americhicks W/Kim Monson Visit us at www.americhicks.com To have someone contact you about advertising on the radio program, the podcast, or the Americhicks website visit:www.americhicks.com/contact and fill out the form. Or, of course, email Kim: kim@americhicks.com The Americhicks airs on KLZ 560 AM every Monday thru Friday, 6-7 AM MST. You can listen to the live stream by going to www.klzradio.co