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The Living While Feminist Podcast Launch



With the postponement of the in-person launches of Living While Feminist, several of the contributors pulled together virtually to bring you this podcast! We compiled their WhatsApp voicenotes into this podcast, where you'll get to hear readings from various authors, the inspiration behind their contributions and much more. Living While Feminist will be available in all good bookstores when lockdown is over, but the great news is you can get the eBook NOW on various platforms! - Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Living-While-Feminist-bodies-truths-ebook/dp/B086CB48G8/ - Takealot: https://www.takealot.com/living-while-feminist-ebook/PLID68749540 - Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/za/en/ebook/living-while-feminist - Snapplify: https://shop.snapplify.com/product/living-while-feminist More about the book: So much of our life experience is filtered through our bodies – norms, myths, and cultural standards continue to shape the way that we and the world feel about our bodies and how we see ourselves. Feminism says these r