Faithful Sayings

Romans Part XIV: Great Comfort & Hope



As we conclude this section of Romans we find more words imparting great comfort and hope to God’s people–those “in Christ Jesus” (8:1). We come to see that even though we are finite, sinful people who cannot give adequate (or even intelligible) words to our sufferings, God still understands the groaning of our hearts (vv. 26-27). We find assurance that God can use all things Paul has afore mentioned–the law of the spirit of life, putting to death the deeds of the body, being led by the Spirit of God, present sufferings, our hope, etc.–all these things He causes to serve our redemption (i.e. our spiritual good, v. 28). Furthermore, those who conform to the image of His Son are justified (righteous) and will be glorified when He comes in judgement (vv. 1, 29-30). Finally, there is no earthly or demonic force powerful enough to separate us from the love our God (vv. 31-39). Let’s meditate on these these points in more detail.