Radio Islam

Ep 408 A Proper Introduction [09-21-2017]



We opened the show with a proper introduction of the host of Radio Islam, Tariq I. El-Amin a native Chicagoan, who shared a little bit about himself, while inviting our listeners to talk back to us on our Facebook Page. Balancing roles as an Activist, Imam of a Masjid, Husband & Father, Tariq relates that his role as husband and father are the most dear to him. There was even a "bad joke" submitted by one of our listeners that got shared. The remainder of the show we recapped with a pre-recorded segment documenting the Sept 16th "Never Again. Happening Again" rally that took place in Federal Plaza, in downtown Chicago,IL. We closed the show out with a reading of poignant post on Muharram (Islamic New Year) made by Ahmed Rehab (Executive Director of CAIR Chicago). Host- Tariq I. El-Amin Producers- Tariq I. El-Amin; Ibrahim Baig (pre-recorded segment) Executive Producer- Abdul Malik Mujahid Music Lessazo - Moussa - The Itis - Octagon Pt. 1 - Manuele Atzeni - La N