Radio Islam

Ep. 414 Artist Profile: Selma Demir [9/29/17]



We start by mentioning a hadith of the Prophet (S), then touch on the passing of Dr. Cherif Bassiouni. We are then joined in studio by the multi-talented Selma Demir. She's a young, up and coming artist who unites poetry, singing, and painting to comment on issues of race, identity, and faith. Selma also performed an original piece she entered into the recently held CIOGC Youth Expo. Guest: Selma Demir Host & Producer: Tariq I. El-Amin Audio & Editing: Ibrahim Baig Executive Producer: Abdul Malik Mujahid Music: Ant the Symbol - Browns Island Beat.Dowsing - Bones Anthony Raijekov - By the Coast Image: Tariq I. El-Amin: Youth Expo