Radio Islam

Ep .738 Rohingya Advocacy [08-28-2019]



A few days ago, Rohingya activist and allies around the world gathered in their locations to mark the second anniversary of the genocidal expulsion of over a million Rohingyan people (to date). We're sharing an interview conducted by Burma Task Force Summer Outreach Staffer, Muhammad Tanveer, with Linguist, A.K. Rahim who shares how he advocates for this vulnerable community. Guest- A.K. Rahim Interviewer- Muhammad Tanveer Host/Producer- Tariq I. El-Amin Executive Producer- Abdul Malik Mujahid Music Manuele Atzeni - NeVe - Image "Amnesty UK and Rohingya demonstration during Burmese election in London" by PictureCapital is licensed under CC BY 2.0