Radio Islam

Ep. 746 Dirty Words [10-15-2019]



Tariq El-Amin, Aydin Anwar, & Sadok BenAbdallah bring humor and insight to a conversation about the Black Sheep of the language family: Profanity. Cuss words. Colorful language. Looking at how not only Muslims, but society at large uses these words, and why? Does using those words signify a tarnished heart, ignorance, or ill intent? Listen, and share your thoughts. Find us on FB & Twitter @RadioIslamUSA. Email at Guest- Aydin Anwar Guest- Sadok BenAbdallah Host/Producer- Tariq I. El-Amin Executive Producer- Abdul Malik Mujahid Music-Beat.dowsing - bones - Image- Tariq I. El-Amin