Radio Islam

Ep. 752 DV Awareness Month at AAFS [10-30-2019]



Tariq talks with Fatimaeh Hussain, and Jenna Naser, both are Domestic Violence Lead Advocates with Arab American Family Services. They join us in these last days of Domestic Violence Awareness month to give a recap of what this month has looked like for AAFS. They share insights on a multitude of services offered by AAFS, including ESL classes, legal assistance, mental health, food and nutrition, and more. Note: Current statistics show that one in four women are now, or have been, victims of domestic violence. Guest- Fatimaeh Hussein Guest- Jenna Naser Host/Producer- Tariq I. El-Amin Executive Producer- Abdul Malik Mujahid Music Lessazo - Moussa - Image Tariq I. El-Amin