Radio Islam

Ep. 753 Hajj Reflections: Anisha Ismail Jogee [11-02-2019]



Tariq (El-Amin) is joined in-studio by Anisha Isma'il Jogee. Anisha is an elected official (School Board Member- Arlington Heights,IL District 25), educator, writer, world traveler, and Doctoral candidate in USC's Organizational Change and Leadership program. She recently returned from the Hajj pilgrimage, which all Muslims who have the means are required to perform-at least once in their lifetime. She talks with Tariq about this journey of a lifetime and what it means to her now. Guest- Anisha Ismail Jogee Host/Producer- Tariq I. El-Amin Executive Producer- Abdul Malik Mujahid Music Lessazo - Moussa - Image Tariq I. El-Amin