Poet Waffle

Poet Waffle #4 (Laurie Bolger)



Poet Daniel Cockrill invites, poet, spoken word artist, broadcaster Laurie Bolger round his house for a chat. During this chat they explore the visceral space between fact and fiction to reveal certain truths that can’t necessarily be explained by these other fields. They also attempt to answer the Poet Waffle Big Question: What is the best thing that ever happened to you? Topics covered include: Bang Said The Gun, Introductions, Golden Gun Award, Dave Martin, Homemade Fudge, The Roebuck Pub, Hosting, Jack White, Martin Galton, Rob Auton, Touring, Loneliness On The Road, Rural Touring, The In Crowd, Reality Of Touring, Why Do We Do This?, Office Work, Hospitality Industry, Pressure, Shop Work, Luxuary Bubble Bath, Mother’s Day, Getting Out Your Comfort Zone, Getting Out Of Town, University Of Brighton, Photographic Technician, Debt, London, Poetry Community, Poetry In Education, Workshopping, Making a Living, Hosting, Stress, Jacob sam La Rose, Nick Makoha, Charlie Dark, Malika Booker, Roger Robinson,