Star Wars Legends: The Audio Drama Series

Star Wars Legends: Tales of Revan - S1:E11



Return to a galaxy far, far away! As our heroes crash land on the desolate world of Geonosis after escaping Mandalorian Prison, many new revelations in the galaxy will arise. From heroes, to villains. Game of Thrones Score by Ramin Djawadi Original Star Wars Score by John Williams Clone Wars Score by Kevin Kiner Old Republic Score by Lennie Moore Gordy Haab Mark Griskey CAST: Young Hero/Aran - Josh Medlock Onvy - IrisDragon Keelah-Kai - Beastbomb Mal - Daydonic Dral Charrus - Poppletron Mandalore - Kisuke Cassus Fett - Brendan/Gyorgysva Jacen - Cajo_C Ortega - Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen Mandalorian Soldier - PIGSLAYA Meetra Surik - TheJediExile Jedi Council - ItalianStallion330 Spencer Coles, Fussbudgetjr Jedi Knight - Otto von Doom Master Dorak - The Ninja Whippet All voices found on Please Support the official release! DISCLAIMER THIS IS A PRODUCTION OF FAN-FICTION. IT IS IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH DISNEY OR LUCASFILM. ALL NAMES, MUSIC AND COPYRIGHT GOES TO THEIR RESPEC