Until The Race Is Run

Episode 14: The Motivation Myth



Several weeks ago, while wasting time on Facebook, I came across a video from Mel Robbins, who boldly declared that "Motivation is Garbage".  I admit, I found this statement to be stunning.  The boldness of the statement took me by surprise.  I watched the video, while being skeptical from the beginning.    I eagerly listened to every word offered during the 5 minute clip. Slowly, as a result, I realized that my own perception of motivation was starting to change. As I absorbed the thoughts, one word caught my attention:  decisions.  Time and again, Ms. Robbins referred to the decisions that we make in life.  She spoke of the notion that our lives were a series of decisions, consequently, making us the result of the those decisions.  Upon reflecting, I began to realize that I too had fallen into this trap.  I had slowly allowed these notions to strip away my ability to make decisions in my life.  I am realizing that in the past,  motivation has replaced my self determination. Now, I share with you my reflecti