Until The Race Is Run

Episode 27: Inspiration-The People Around You



 Inspiration is all around us.  Often, we can find inspiration in the simplest of things.   A warm sunset, a baby's laugh, even the opening of a flower can inspire us.  Really, we can find inspiration in just about anything, depending upon how deep we are willing to look.  However, how many of us really stop to realize that maybe the greatest inspiration in life are those around us?  Do we move through life taking those around us for granted?  Never recognizing how they can inspire us to achieve. As I reflect back on the last two years in my life, I realize I have been to many great places.  I have achieved goals and dreams that I never thought possible.  I have seen personal growth and development in ways that I never would have envisioned.  However, as I look back, I realize that none of this is happening in a vacuum.  Sure, it has been my vision, my goals, my dreams that I have worked on.  My will power and my determinations have pushed me to these new places.  Additionally, I realize there was another str