Until The Race Is Run

Episode 1, Season 2: In My Skin



Welcome back to the podcast! After 2 years, I am pleased to share the newest episode of Until the Race Is Run.  It has been a long time coming, and I am thrilled to be back at it!  In this episode, I reflect back on the times I have felt uncomfortable in my own skin.  I explore my feelings and the reasons why I was so uncomfortable.  Ultimately, I have come to realize that often the times I have felt the most uncomfortable were the times I have seen sides of myself that I do not like. Further, I look at how being uncomfortable has kept me from many different things in life, including possible friendships and opportunities.  More importantly, I look how some of this translates into my current life. I have struggled to learn to navigate those who have significantly different beliefs than I do.  Ultimately, I am learning how to navigate those differences and embrace them. Thank you for being a part of the ride and I hope you enjoy this latest episode!