Until The Race Is Run

Success-Episode 2, Season 2



Success-simply defined as "the accomplishment of an aim or target; the achievement of popularity or profit".  For many of us, especially the Type A's of the world (such as myself), the quest for success is a driving force.  We construct our lives around the concept.  My career, my lifestyle, my education are all focused around this nebulous "prize" that I wanted to achieve.  How many times have I deconstructed and reconstructed my life in order to achieve "a dream"?   Somehow, I have often found myself feeling as though my dream never measured up.  Despite all that I have earned and worked for, it just wasn't enough.  Oddly, I realized I was never asking myself the right question.  Who defines my success? Reflecting on life, I realize that what I once used to drive my success is no longer what I see my success as.  As I have gotten older, I realize that I am successful, but on my terms, and not those that other place on me.  In this episode, I explore the concept of success and how while it can be a motivator