Pulp 2 Pixel Podcasts

Episode #087 - Dial G For Gamer #06 - TORG Eternity w/ Siskoid



  Welcome to Dial G for Gamer, a Pulp 2 Pixel Podcast! Dial G for Gamer will be a semi-monthly show where Doctor G the Man of Nerdology and his Rogues Gallery of Co-Hosts play and review games of all types with a superhero theme. From Tabletop Games to Video Games, we will take on this genre one superhero game at a time.   This episode features returning guest host Siskoid, one of the many talented podcasters of the Fire & Water Podcast Network. He will be joining me on this episode to discuss the recently released TORG Eternity. TORG Eternity is a remake of the original West End Games where players play Storm Knights in a multi-genre alternate Earth battle called the Possibility Wars. You can follow Siskoid and find links to his many podcasts here: Siskoid's Blog of Geekery & The Fire and Water Network You can also find more information on TORG Eternity here: https://www.ulisses-us.com/games/torg/ You can subscribe to our podcast through iTunes, where you can also leave a rating and review: https: