Battles With Bits Of Rubber

#5 - Colour theory In Practice



Colour theory is a crucial part of makeup, especially if you are in the business of trying make a portion of the face out of rubber and make it look like it belongs there and is the same as the real skin which surrounds it. This podcast accompanies the article we wrote for Neill Gortons 'Prosthetics' magazine, jam packed with tutorials and great behind the scenes goodies for all things prosthetic! This is especially true when mixing your skin tone into your appliance material in the case of silicone or gelatine appliances.   The materials are different, but the principles of colour theory and how to create skin tones remain the same. This colour is IN the pieces rather than ON them. We have gone on a fair bit in the past about the importance of colour and colour theory in posts about using photoshop to match skin tones, and  7 tips for painting skin tones. The reason...?  Because it really matters and it's actually rather simple. It's important to get the base tone of your appliances right, as you don't want