Battles With Bits Of Rubber

#22 - Rob Burns: Cutting Edge



Rob Burns makes great sculpting tools because he sculpts and knows what works. Blog post for this episode with video: -------------------------------- It helps to know your tools, and in the podcast, he chats about how he started the company and how he paid his dues. We also chat with Mitch of Brick In The Yard again, and we talk about the proliferation of information in the hi-tech age and how having so much information on hand doesn't necessarily mean that it makes it into the brain. Incidentally, this is what the tribble-like recorder looked like which we mention in the podcast: Sculpting Tools Tools are something I have an unreasonable desire for, and I have far too many already but I'll be damned if that will stop me buying more. I have done a few posts on tools, manufacture tutorials and loop tool repair. This doesn't mean I don't buy tools as well - just because I know how to make a sandwich doesn't mean I don't go to Subway on occasion! When I met with