Absolute Trust Talk

040: How to Avoid the Most Common Estate Planning Mistake



Now that we've settled into somewhat of a new normal for the time being, people are thinking about getting things in order. There is still a sense of urgency, but many are taking the time to review their estate plans to make sure everything is in place, or are taking steps to put a new plan in place. In California, one of the key tools we use is a trust. We want to keep things simple, keep the cost down, and keep the family out of court, so we use a trust to avoid probate. But problems arise when an asset doesn't make it into the trust before the grantor dies. When that happens, probate happens - not always, but most of the time. And surprisingly, this is a very common mistake. “It’s rare for us to do trust administration for a client and not have this mistake show up. I would say 95 out of 100 times we find an asset outside of a trust that should have gotten in.” -Kirsten Howe In a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk, I'm going to share the tips and information you need to know to avoid this kind of mistake a