Absolute Trust Talk

041: Special Needs Trusts: Don’t Let an Inheritance Blow Up Your Government Benefits



Most parents of children with special needs understand how important it is to plan ahead. While there are many vital parts to this planning, a special needs trust should be at the top of the list. Utilizing a special needs trust will ensure that after the parents pass away, the child will not lose any government benefits due to inheritance. But what happens if a special needs person gets an inheritance from someone other than a parent who did not set up a special needs trust? Could that impact their government benefits too? What many people don’t realize is that there are two different kinds of special needs trust available and how they are set up mainly depends on one, who is setting them up, and two where the money is coming from. Tune in to a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk to take a closer look at special needs trusts and how to ensure that inheritance doesn’t impact government benefits for the special needs person in your life. With the right guidance and planning in place, you can rest assured your l