Absolute Trust Talk

042: Caregiving for a Loved One with Dementia: The Beginning



When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer's or Dementia, a spouse, partner, or family member is thrust into the caregiver role. They are just expected to know what to do and how to do it. There is no conversation about it. The caregiver's journey is lonely and challenging, taking on more and more responsibility as their loved fades away. You may feel angry, afraid, frustrated, and guilty for feeling these things all at the same time. And who is there to talk to when friends and family don't truly understand what you're going through?  In a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk Live, guest Cheri Bailly-Jacob joins Kirsten to discuss the challenges and emotions that caregivers face, as written in her memoir, "Caregiver Confidential: Stories of Living with My Husband's Alzheimer's Disease." Whether your loved one was just diagnosed, or you've been caregiving for a while now, we hope this conversation with Cheri and her book will encourage and support you on your journey.  Big Three from Episode #042: Don't feel