Absolute Trust Talk

061: Keys to a Successful Transfer of Wealth



Unfortunately, many today see money as a solution to problems, but that is not always the case. In fact, wealth can be quite damaging to a family dynamic. Planning, in this instance, is vital. When family members have prepared and have learned how to work together, that’s when wealth and inheritance can be used as a tool to benefit a family for generations to come. In this Absolute Trust Talk episode, Kirsten sits down with Richard Del Monte of the Del Monte Group to discuss the underlying reasons why wealth transitions so often fail. They also look at the tools and processes he recommends for families who want to avoid that fate. With more than 35 years of experience as a Certified Financial Planner and Certified Wealth Consultant, Richard excels in guiding clients through challenging life transitions and finding ways to make seemingly out-of-reach financial goals become a reality. This is an episode not to be missed. Big Three from Episode #061: Teach your heirs ahead of time how to handle wealth successfu