Absolute Trust Talk

066: End-of-Life Care Decisions: Balancing Technology with Compassion



Let’s face it. No one wants to discuss end-of-life care decisions. And with modern medicine and medical technology, we have become very accustomed to doing everything possible to prolong life. But often, that can involve aggressive and invasive treatment. For many seniors, decisions about medical care will fall to family members due to incapacity, and these types of decisions can be challenging to make. In our experience, people want to be surrounded by loved ones in a comfortable environment, but it’s hard for family members to see past all the options, outcomes, and considerations. In a new Absolute Trust Talk Live episode, Kirsten sits down with emergency physician Dr. Alan Molk. Harnessing his medical background and experience as a decision-maker for his mother during her journey with Alzheimer’s, Dr. Molk offers valuable insights into how to have the right conversations with loved ones to balance end-of-life decision-making with comfort, dignity, and respect. Big Three from Episode #066: Have end-of-lif