Absolute Trust Talk

067: Estate Planning Challenges with Real Estate



When it comes to estate planning, we find that many of our clients want to divide their entire estate equally among their children. Unfortunately, this presents a challenge after death for a variety of reasons – especially when real estate is involved. And now that Prop 19 has passed in California, there are even more complications and things to consider. If you’re not familiar, Prop 19 is the new transfer tax law that, among other things, requires that if there is a parent-to-child property tax transfer, the heir must live at the residence–listen in for more. In a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk, Kirsten welcomes back fellow Absolute Trust Counsel attorney Madison Gunn. Kirsten and Madison dive into this top asset that can cause a world of headaches for beneficiaries and discuss some solutions and workarounds to successfully including residence and other properties in an estate plan. While this episode focuses on California law, it provokes various discussion points vital to any estate plan. We hope you w