Comic Adventures

1. Where to Get Comics / Unbeatable Squirrel Girl



Welcome to Comics Adventures, a podcast about making, reading, and loving comics. In the inaugural episode, Melissa and Andrew ask (and answer) where do you get comics, anyway? As well as wax long and poetic about The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Things mentioned: Comic Book Shop Locator G-mart Comics Hoopla Marvel Unlimited Comixology Hiveworks Taptastic* @webcomicchat Cucumber Quest Kickstarter’s Comics Page Read Alikes: Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat Howard the Duck Blue Beetle (2006) Spider-Gwen * After this podcast was recorded, Taptastic was revealed to have some pretty shady business practices. We’ve decided not to link them - see our show notes for links to relevent discussions. For extended show notes, visit our blog! Questions or comments? Email us at Comic Adventures is a project of Let’s Make Comics, a Chicago-based comics collective, and produced by Andrew Larkin and Melissa Sayen.