Comic Adventures

8. Interview with Neil Clingerman



This week our guest is AnimeChicago organizer and manga connoisseur Neil Clingerman! Melissa and Neil hash out their manga filled childhoods, Melissa gets several facts wrong, and then we all talk about Osamu Tezuka a lot.   Stuff we talk about: Smart Stuff with Roman Mars and Justin McElroy (99%PI #225, starts around 15:30) Otherworld Barbara by Moto Hagio Serial Experiments Lain Drawn and Quarterly Fantagraphics  Vertical  Sexy Voice and Robo by Iou Kuroda Bambi and her Pink Gun by Atsushi Kaneko (who is not Iou Kuroda, whoops -M) National Quiz by Sugimoto Reiichi and Katou Shinkichi Edo Karuta by Arare Ame Nasu by Iou Kuroda Blue by Kiriko Nananan The Death of Superman Battle Angel Alita by Yukito Kishiro Nausicaä The Valley of the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki A Bride's Story and Emma by Kaoru Mori I would have sworn there was a Urasawa Naoki no Manben episode with Kaoru Mori, but I was wrong. You should watch the show, though! -M Cosplayers by Dash Shaw My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nag